Cvalda Letra

Bjork Featuring Catherine Deneuve

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cvalda" de Bjork Featuring Catherine Deneuve.

Cvalda lyrics

Clatter, crash, clack
racket, bang, thump
rattle, clang, crack, thud, whack, bam
It's music - now dance
Listen, cvalda
you're the dancer
you've got the sparkle in your eyes
look at me, entrancer
Clatter, crash,
The clatter-machines
they greet you and say:
"we tap out a rhythm and sweep you away"
A clatter-machine
what a magical sound
[ De: ]
a room full of noises
that spins you
Darling selma
look who's dancing
faster than a shooting star
cvalda's here
Clatter, crash,
The clatter-machines
they greet you, and say:
"we tap out a rhythm and sweep you away"
A clatter-machine
what a magical sound
a room full of noises
that spins us around
it spins us around
it spins us around
it spins us
Bjork Featuring Catherine Deneuve
Ver más info

Artista: Bjork Featuring Catherine Deneuve
Canción: Cvalda
Duración: 04:48
Vistas: 115

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