Cutting it fine Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cutting it fine" de Asia.

Cutting it fine lyrics

The door swings open but you won't go in
you hate the movie that you've never seen
you could have seen what i have in mind
i see you laughing but you're cutting it,
cutting it fine
You never should have done those things to me
there's one thread left 'tween you and history
and while my temperature is rising high
i warn you now that you are cutting it
cutting it fine
Cutting it, cutting it fine
cutting it fine
[ De: ]
cutting it fine
cutting it fine
You gambled all on one important game
but you take your debts then don't complain
the game was up, i saw it all the time
some advice, girl, you're cutting it
cutting it fine
Your sole advisor always was yourself
never listened to no one else
you are the one who ignored the signs
dancing on a fine line, cutting it fine
Cutting it, cutting it fine
cutting it fine
cutting it fine
cutting it fine


Cutting it fine

Ver más info

Artista: Asia
Canción: Cutting it fine
Duración: 05:37
Vistas: 37.126
Álbum: Asia
Etiquetas: rock, asia, progressive rock, relationship trouble, guitar

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