Cut the curtains Letra

Billy Talent

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cut the curtains" de Billy Talent.

Cut the curtains lyrics

Oh my girl
your so hot when you walk you melt snow
and now that disco has finally grown old
lets buy back our souls
so lets see
ya we've got 5 bucks between you and me
my mental dishes are finally clean
so cleared are we
Cut the curtains the actors have gone home
cut the curtains the actors have gone home
the intermission's a mission on it's own
the intermission's a mission on it's own
Now here seems our wax wings have melted away
and we've only been here for one day
my faith fades away
so don't be a grey cloud when there's none in the sky
we found theres no hidden treasure to find
at least we tryed
Cut the curtains the actors have gone home
cut the curtains the actors have gone home
the intermission is a mission on it's own
the intermission is a mission on it's own
[ De: ]
so dry your raincheques you cant put time on them
so dry your raincheques you cant put time on them
grab your suitcase we don't have time to fold
grab your suitcase we don't have time to fold
There is no doubt you throw your inbox out
there is no doubt you throw your inbox out
there is no doubt you throw your inbox out
there is no doubt you throw your inbox
Cut the curtains the actors have gone home
cut the curtains the actors have gone home
the intermission is a mission on it's own
the intermission is a mission on it's own
so dry your raincheques you cant put time on them
so dry your raincheques you cant put time on them
grab your suitcase you don't have time to fold
grab your suitcase you don't have time to fold
we don't have no time to fold
we don't have no time to fold
we don't have no time to
Billy Talent

Billy Talent

Cut the curtains

Ver más info

Artista: Billy Talent
Canción: Cut the curtains
Duración: 03:51
Vistas: 947.508
Etiquetas: emo, rock, alternative, punk rock, punk

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