Cuddly toy Letra


La letra de la canción "Cuddly toy" interpretada por Roachford fue publicada el 19 de marzo de 2010 con su vídeo musical.

Cuddly toy lyrics

Cuddly toy
(a. roachford)
I know you've heard so many people say
i've got a different girl in every town
but there must be somebody telling lies
and spreading rumours, spreading rumours all around
Because my only joy, is a cuddly toy
waiting for me when i get home
and what i need is a girl like you
to call my very own

So you've got to feel for me baby
[ De: ]
so you've got to feel for me baby
so you've got to feel for me baby
and give me some love
Well i don't pour out my heart like this, to everyone
and anyone that i meet
and i know it ain't the wine cos i feel just fine,
can't you see baby, i'm still on my feet

A cuddly toy is my only joy
waiting for me when i get home
and what i need is a girl like you
to call my very own
(repeat chorus, bridge and chorus)


Cuddly toy

Marzo, 2010
53.444 vistas

Ver más info

Artista: Roachford
Canción: Cuddly toy
Duración: 03:48
Estreno: Marzo, 2010
Vistas: 53.444
Álbum: Roachford
Etiquetas: rock, energetic, british, 80s, soul

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