Crystalline green Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Crystalline green" de Goldfrapp.

Crystalline green lyrics

Here we come, driving down
deep and wide, settle down
on the beach, get the sun
coming down, wet and warm
I wanna waste it playing
spend all our day in a dream
crystalline green watch it rolling
[ De: ]
feeling the weight of the sun
Here we come, blue and green
breathing in, come alive
here we come, with the stars
Letting it slip through my fingers
little rings float in your eyes
try to forget who you are now
stare into space, watch the sky


Crystalline green

Ver más info

Artista: Goldfrapp
Canción: Crystalline green
Duración: 04:27
Vistas: 572.628
Álbum: Live in vancouver
Etiquetas: sexy, female vocalists, dance, electronic, electronica

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