Crystal Letra

Steve Nicks

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Crystal" de Steve Nicks.

Crystal lyrics

Do you always trust your first initial feeling
special knowledge holds truth bears believing
i turned around
and the water was closing all around
like a glove
like the love that had finally, finally found me
then i knew
in the crystalline knowledge of you
drove me thru the mountains
thru the crystal-like clear water fountain
drove me like a magnet
to the sea
[ De: ]
How the faces of love have changed turning
the pages
and i have changed oh, but remain
i turned around
and the water was closing all around
like a glove
like the love that had finally, finally found me
then i knew
in the crystalline knowledge of you
drove me thru the mountains
thru the crystal-like clear water fountain
drove me like a magnet
to the sea
Steve Nicks

Steve Nicks


Ver más info

Artista: Steve Nicks
Canción: Crystal
Duración: 05:56
Vistas: 108

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