Cry Letra

Johnnie Ray

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cry" de Johnnie Ray.

Cry lyrics

johnny ray and the four lads
(churchill kohlman)
If your sweetheart sends a letter of goodbye
it's no secret you'll feel better if you cry
when waking from a bad dream
[ De: ]
don't you sometimes think it's real?
but it's only false emotions that you feel
If your heartaches seem to hang around too long
and your blues keep getting bluer with each song
remember sunshine can be found behind a cloudy sky
so let your hair down and go on and cry
Johnnie Ray
Ver más info

Artista: Johnnie Ray
Canción: Cry
Duración: 03:02
Vistas: 30.308
Álbum: 16 most requested songs
Etiquetas: oldies, 50's, classic, 50s, vocal

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