Cry baby cry Letra

Dick Robertson

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cry baby cry" de Dick Robertson.

Cry baby cry lyrics

If teardrops could flood an ocean
i have an ocean
you try.
you'd make it in extra fast time
just as a pastime
easy as pie
each time you
cry, baby, cry
just the way i did the day you broke my heart
cry, baby, cry
tables turn and now you've learned you're not so smart
you broke every promiseá
you couldn't be true
you gave me the go-by
for somebody new when i needed you
so cry, baby, cry.
my eyes are dry.
[ De: ]
i'm laughin' up my sleeve to see my cry baby cry.
cry, baby, cry (2)
just the way i did the day you broke my heart
cry, baby, cry
you feel too high
tables turn and now you've learned you're not so smart
you broke every promiseá
you couldn't be true
you gave me the go-by
for somebody new when i needed you
so cry, baby, cry.
my eyes are dry.
i'm laughin', yes laughin'
i'm laughin' up my sleeve to see my cry-baby cry.
Dick Robertson

Dick Robertson

Cry baby cry

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Artista: Dick Robertson
Canción: Cry baby cry
Vistas: 90

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