Criticize Letra

Alexander O'neal

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Criticize" de Alexander O'neal.

Criticize lyrics

Can't you find something else to talk about?
is this song the only one you sing?
makes you look better when you put things down?
value your opinion
Don't criticize my friends
criticize my ideas
Don't criticize my life style
I'm fed up 'cause all you wanna do is criticize.
You've just closed your mind
ooh ooh - criticize
yov don't realize - all you wanna do is criticize.
i just want what is right
still you say
Now can't we talk this over?
'cause your conversation ain't right.
[ De: ]
we can make our love stronger
you don't have to think twice.
Don't criticize my friends
criticize my ideas
. . .
you've just closed your mind
ooh ooh - criticize . . .
you've just closed your mind
ooh ooh - critieize . . .
Don't criticize my motive
criticize my feeling
Don't criticize my business
I'm fed up 'cause all you wanna do is criticize.
You've just closed your mind
ooh ooh - criticize . . .
you've just closed your mind
ooh ooh - criticize . . .
you've just closed your mind
ooh ooh - criticize . . .
Alexander O'neal

Alexander O'neal


Ver más info

Artista: Alexander O'neal
Canción: Criticize
Duración: 10:11
Vistas: 48.234
Álbum: Hearsay
Etiquetas: jam and lewis, club classics, funk, 80s, soul

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