Crazy moments Letra

Sean Leamen

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Crazy moments" de Sean Leamen.

Crazy moments lyrics

I had my bad days
and i had my good days
but then i had my crazy days
and there stunk in my head
How do i get them out?
to sail about?
to some one elses mind?
cause i don't like them
i had my moments
and i want to get them out
i can't hold on to these crazy moments
there to bottled up inside
these crazy moments i have
[ De: ]
aren't falling apart
there staying there
These crazy moments i had
where really not that good
they were like saying things that i shouldn't have
or telling things i shouldn't have
in the first place
So why do we have crazy moments
are they a part of life
maybe if i had a handbook
i could know
why we get crazy moments
Chrous x2
Sean Leamen

Sean Leamen

Crazy moments

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Artista: Sean Leamen
Canción: Crazy moments
Vistas: 92

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