Crazy in the night (barking at airplanes) Letra

Kim Carnes

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Crazy in the night (barking at airplanes)" de Kim Carnes.

Crazy in the night (barking at airplanes) lyrics

Sometimes i really think
i'm going crazy in the night
when i hide down in the covers
and i won't turn on the light
i think nothing's gonna get me
but then again it might
what can i do to keep from going
crazy in the night
I need a drink of water
but i swallow hard instead
cause it's hard to move a muscle
when you're frozen in your bed
if i could make it to the phone
before i die of fright
what can i do to keep from going
crazy in the night
Sometimes she really thinks
she's going crazy in the night
when she hides down in the covers
and she won't turn on the light
she says nothing's gonna get to her
but then again it might
what can she do to keep from going
crazy in the night
There's a monster on my ceiling
there's a monster on the wall
there are thousands in the closet
[ De: ]
now they're coming down the hall
i'm so hidden they can't find me
but then again they might
what can i do to keep from going
crazy in the night
Sometimes she really thinks
she's going crazy in the night
when she hides down in the covers
and she won't turn on the light
she says nothing's gonna get to her
but then again it might
what can she do to keep from going
crazy in the night
And if i disappeared
do you think they'd ever look
would i be headlines in the paper
or the cover of the book
got to pull myself together
i don't want to die of fright
what can i do to keep from going
crazy in the night
Sometimes she really thinks
she's going crazy in the night
when she hides down in the covers
and she won't turn on the light
she says nothing's gonna get to her
but then again it might
what can she do to keep from going
crazy in the night
Kim Carnes

Kim Carnes

Crazy in the night (barking at airplanes)

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Artista: Kim Carnes
Canción: Crazy in the night (barking at airplanes)
Duración: 03:35
Vistas: 77

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