Crave Letra

The Butterfly Effect

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Crave" de The Butterfly Effect.

Crave lyrics

When u crave
how its like slained
all of pain
When it feels like i
only want you when i bleed
only for you
When you lie
dont mention mine
more like flies
When it feels like flies
ohhh crawling away from me
cause im melting like you
maybe when it burns like life
all i want is you all night
but it hates hate me like you
[ De: ]
hate me like
yeah you do
Love me always and forever yea
its hard to be strong
when i crave you like i do
When it feels like it flies me
when does it want me damned
but im empty like you
maybe when it burns like light
all i want is you all night
but it hates hates me like you
hate me like
ohh i crave you
what would i do
oh i crave you
The Butterfly Effect
Ver más info

Artista: The Butterfly Effect
Canción: Crave
Duración: 03:56
Vistas: 75.141
Álbum: Begins here
Etiquetas: australian, art rock, alternative, alternative rock, hard rock

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