Crash landed Letra

Charlton Hill

El tema "Crash landed" interpretado por Charlton Hill pertenece a su disco "Waterline". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Crash landed" de Charlton Hill.

Crash landed lyrics

Lost in the void,
it's fresh and you know i want it.
hope rises up,
i'm telling you it's breaking hard.
She watched it crack
but you're here now, you're here now
Crash landed, crash landed
but you're here now, you're here now
[ De: ]
crash landed, crash landed
Saw shadows fall
but i find my own face in the crowd.
come lead the way,
we're gonna run to the top and jump.
The call chime sounds
but you're here now, you're here
Now you've taken me so far away,
give me relief from this wait this time,
so far away
Charlton Hill

Charlton Hill

Crash landed

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Artista: Charlton Hill
Canción: Crash landed
Duración: 03:55
Vistas: 569
Álbum: Waterline

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