Crash crash Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Crash crash" de Murderdolls.

Crash crash lyrics

I'm at the end of my noose,
i've got nothing to loose.
i'm digging my own grave,
and thats the truth.
my self esteem is low and i'm so high,
and i dont give a fuck if i live or die.
just bury me in my self pity,
can't even get myself to talk to me.
i'd kill myself, but it wouldnt help,
can't someone put me out of my misery?
i'm going down i was born to die.
i'm going down, now i'll say goodbye.
crash crash [x3]
[ De: ]
it's a hit, it's a bang, it's a smash.
crash crash [x3]
it's a hit, it's a bang, it's a smash.
Throw in the towel its over for me,
i fell right out of the ugly tree.
i cross my heart and i hope i die,
but i sure fucking hope, if i even try.
to dumb to die, to smart to live,
those are the choices that i'm left with
eeny - meeny - miney - mo
bombs away motherfuckers here i go.
i'm going down i was born to die.
i'm going down, now i'll say goodbye
[chorus x2]


Crash crash

Ver más info

Artista: Murderdolls
Canción: Crash crash
Duración: 03:10
Vistas: 69.407
Álbum: The heart of roadrunner records
Etiquetas: glam metal, murderdolls, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, horror punk, anthemic

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