Crash and burn Letra

Ryan Malcolm

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Crash and burn" de Ryan Malcolm.

Crash and burn lyrics

There's a picture in my window
of a world that sleeps outside
as still as it was midnight
is heaven their fee
It's a book that has no story
shakespeer had no time
or is it like poetry
that never ever, never ever rhymes
baby wait your turn
'cause you might crash and burn
and you're running and you're running just as fast as you can til you bounce up
and you can see it almost touch it with the palm of your hand
but you dont crash and burn
crash and burn
Like a movie with no ending
fame at any cost
how do we know what's precious
innosence, innosence is lost
[ De: ]
so let's wait our turn
before we crash and burn
and you're running and you're running just as fast as you can til you bounce up
and you can see it almost touch it with the palm of your hand
but you dont crash and burn
crash and burn
Everybody loses just before they win
life is all surprises
and here they come, oh here they come again
Rushing in, rushing in, i'm rushing in
rushing in, i'm rushing
and you're running and you're running just as fast as you can til you bounce up
and you can see it almost touch it with the palm of your hand
but you dont crash and burn
crash and burn
Ryan Malcolm

Ryan Malcolm

Crash and burn

Ver más info

Artista: Ryan Malcolm
Canción: Crash and burn
Duración: 04:08
Vistas: 108

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