Cradle Letra

The Rising

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cradle" de The Rising.

Cradle lyrics

Comfort me cradle me
lay for me arms spread out
xxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
The shape of you breaking through
desire of the chosen few
standing on the edge of ectasy
the taste of your skin my bodies giving in and i'm falling into you
as you let yourself go tothe edge of the world
[ De: ]
and i'm falling into you i'm falling into you
Close your eyes and sacrafice
i'll breathe you in till i get high
the center of your world pulls me down
Oceans rolling over me
crashing into you i see
you cover mei and relive
I come undone x9
Ch x2
I'm falling into you
i'm giving it away
i'm falling into you
The Rising

The Rising


Ver más info

Artista: The Rising
Canción: Cradle
Duración: 04:13
Vistas: 17.625
Álbum: Future unknown
Etiquetas: alternative, rock, depressive rock, love, emotional

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