Cows go to market Letra

Buried Spoon

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cows go to market" de Buried Spoon.

Cows go to market lyrics

(verse 1)
the cows are grazing in the fields
and smurfs are attacking us
we stand there with our swords and shields
so i run and catch the bus ooo ooo

i ponder round the garden at night
and watch the stars with delight
relishing in their sheer beauty
hoping they wont come and catch me ahh ahh
[ De: ]
(verse 2)
the cows in the field are now asleep
and the smurfs have all gone home
i could almost cry and weep
as i sit here all alone laa laa

(verse 3)
the cows are off to market today
this time they will be milked
eating an awful lot of hay
the farmer sings ohh ohh ahh ahh laa laa
(chorus into )
Buried Spoon

Buried Spoon

Cows go to market

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Artista: Buried Spoon
Canción: Cows go to market
Vistas: 104

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