Cowboy hats Letra

Chris Cummings

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cowboy hats" de Chris Cummings.

Cowboy hats lyrics

Here they come
from all directions
north, south, east and west
with their natural good looks
and their mammas' blessin'
they come with twangs
and to be the best
next thing you know
they're in a great big office
smilin' at a big wig behind a big desk
starin' at the gold and the platinum walls
here's the dotted line, son
be my guest
We're pullin' singers outta cowboy hats
we're makin' possums outta new stray cats
ain't got the talent, we got your back
we're pullin' singers outta cowboy hats
we're pullin' singers outta cowboy hats
It's all done from a to z
we'll tell you what to say
just repeat after me
they walk the walk
sign autographs
yeah, the money's all yours
'til you pay it all back
[ De: ]
We'll hook you up
with all three writers
we'll get your name
on a couple of tunes
we've got a line
on all the insiders
in a matter of days, boy
you will too
We're pullin' singers outta cowboy hats
we're makin' possums outta new stray cats
ain't got the talent, we got your back
we're pullin' singers outta cowboy hats
we're pullin' singers outta cowboy hats
There's two born every minute
there's a sucker hand made star
we're all very busy, son
but could you tell us which you are
We're pullin' singers outta cowboy hats
we're makin' possums outta new stray cats
ain't got the talent, we got your back
we're pullin' singers outta cowboy hats
we've got this down to a finances ?
we're pullin' singers outta cowboy hats
Chris Cummings

Chris Cummings

Cowboy hats

Ver más info

Artista: Chris Cummings
Canción: Cowboy hats
Duración: 03:19
Vistas: 699
Álbum: Ooh, that could cost him the gold, bob

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