Cover of love Letra

Roger Daltrey

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cover of love" de Roger Daltrey.

Cover of love lyrics

[ De: ]
Cover of lovemichael damiansusie sits all aloneshe waits by the telephonejoey's out having funwaits to call when she's not at homeshe gets scared and then takes offand runs from the cover of lovehe knows that he'll find her thereand knows what she'd thinking ofi know the broken heartedwhen i look in their eyes i seeis it the world that's changingand turning away from mewhy do we run from the cover of lovewhy do we run from the cover of loveyou and i have been through thisa million times or moredon't we know it's the same routineso what are we fighting forwe all go and waste our timebut we are all the sameall we do is just to tun awayand play the same old gameyou know the broken heartedwhen you look in my eyes you seeis it my life that's changingand getting away from mewhy do we run from the cover of lovewhy do we run from the cover of lovethe changing heart knows no boundtime may stand stillemotions keep turning the fire burns on and onyou know the broken heartedwhen you look in my eyes you'll seeis it my life that's changingand getting away from mewhy do we run from the cover of lovewhy do we run from the cover of love
Roger Daltrey

Roger Daltrey

Cover of love

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Artista: Roger Daltrey
Canción: Cover of love
Vistas: 101

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