Coursework Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Coursework" de Aehof.

Coursework lyrics

The pressure increases,
never ceases.
theres no word for the pain i feel,
it's so unreal.
There is only one thing that can do this to me,
i'm sure you see.
the impossibilities mount,
the size i cannot count.
It can only be coursework
it's sending me berserk
it can only be coursework
it's taken me to the point of overwork
[ De: ]
I have two essays due in tomorrow,
and no-one's work to borrow.
my heart's filled with sorrow,
as i look towards tomorrow.
I have an oral again,
it's such a pain,
everything's in vain,
i'm doing one again.
It can only be coursework
it's sending me berserk
it can only be coursework
it's taken me to the point of overwork



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Artista: Aehof
Canción: Coursework
Vistas: 49

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