Count your blessings Letra

Ashford And Simpson

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Count your blessings" de Ashford And Simpson.

Count your blessings lyrics

I had to learn, learn a lesson
never forget to count your blessings
i had to learn, learn a lesson
never forget to count your blessings
You can't say i love you
too many times,
simple things mean so much
like when was the last touch,
when was the last kiss
when did you hold 'em like this
I almost lost the one i love
searchin' 'round for something new
before you make the same mistake
oh, let me pass this on to you
I had to learn, learn a lesson
never forget to count my blessings
i had to learn, learn a lesson
never forget to count your blessings
Though they don't complain
doesn't mean that there's no pain
to forget is the worst
so always put them first,
thinkin' of their needs
make them the one you please
I almost lost the one i love
searching 'round for something new
before you make the same mistake
let me pass this on to you
If you don't see eye to eye
[ De: ]
come close to sayin' goodbye
think how far you've come
the victories you've won
What's kept you through the years
was to dry each other's tears
memories you recall
let's you know you have it all woo
I almost lost the one i love
searchin' 'round for something new
before you make the same mistake
ooh, let me pass this on to you
I had to learn, learn a lesson
never forget to count your blessings
i had to learn, learn a lesson
never forget,
I had to learn, learn a lesson yes, i did
never forget to count your blessings woo
i had to learn, learn a lesson
never forget to count your blessings
I had to learn, learn a lesson
never forget to count your blessings
i had to learn, learn a lesson
never forget to count your blessings
I had to learn, learn a lesson
never forget to count your blessings
i had to learn, learn a lesson
never forget to count your blessings
I had to learn, learn a lesson
never forget to count your blessings
Ashford And Simpson

Ashford And Simpson

Count your blessings

Ver más info

Artista: Ashford And Simpson
Canción: Count your blessings
Duración: 04:44
Vistas: 143

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