Could this be magic Letra

The Dubs

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Could this be magic" de The Dubs.

Could this be magic lyrics

Could this be magic
my dear
my heart's all aglow
could this be magic
loving you so.
could this be magic
my dear
having your love
my prayers were answered
so far from above.
i thought it would be
[ De: ]
just a memory
to linger my heart in pain
but too much pride
i opened up my eyes
and i'm with you dear once again
could this be magic
my dear
having your love
if this is magic
then magic is mine.
could this be magic
then magic is mine.
The Dubs

The Dubs

Could this be magic

Ver más info

Artista: The Dubs
Canción: Could this be magic
Duración: 02:19
Vistas: 16.336
Álbum: Best of the dubs
Etiquetas: rhythm and blues, oldies, 50s, doo wop, rock n roll

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