Could be Letra

Johnny Messner

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Could be" de Johnny Messner.

Could be lyrics

[ De: ]
Could bejohnny messnercould be that yellow moonis just a big balloon,and not that yellow moon abovecould be that angel faceis something out of space, and not that angel face i be this heart of mineis just a valentine,and not this heart of mine at allcould be a dream i see,but if you're asking mecould be i'm in love, could becould be that starry sky,was painted by some guy,and not that starry sky we knew,could be that kiss i stolewas just a tootsie roll,and not that kiss i stole from be the things you said were in a book i read and not the things you said to be i'm in a trancebut then, there's just a chancecould be i'm in love-could be.
Johnny Messner

Johnny Messner

Could be

Ver más info

Artista: Johnny Messner
Canción: Could be
Vistas: 90

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