Cosmopolitan bloodloss Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cosmopolitan bloodloss" de Glassjaw.

Cosmopolitan bloodloss lyrics

Many days,
many phases down the line.
when people whisper it makes her nervous.
it's you from the airport addressing most littlest.
in several days i just might prove worth it.
After all, after all,
should they let you decide?
Anyway, in a
[ De: ]
walk the wire, walk the line.
when people whisper it makes her nervous.
it's you from the airport addressing most littlest.
several days too late to unearth it.
So after all, after all,
should they let you decide?
We are the most impassioned ugly people.


Cosmopolitan bloodloss

Ver más info

Artista: Glassjaw
Canción: Cosmopolitan bloodloss
Duración: 03:04
Vistas: 197.385
Álbum: Worship and tribute
Etiquetas: emo, hardcore, glassjaw, screamo, post-hardcore

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