Cosmic castaway Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cosmic castaway" de Electrasy.

Cosmic castaway lyrics

Lose my head to the chemical freeway
comin' up on overload
in a mystic new dimension
purify and sanctify me
what so i'm in no end game
move my piece right off the board
losing sure is easy
so i am no more

but i'm not broken, in my dream i win
in here i'm nothing, a cosmic castaway

in my head i'm a chemical dreamer
speed up to burn out mode
comin' up in the 5th dimension
beautify don't crucify me, yeah
so i need no mind game poisoning my lonely soul
[ De: ]
losing sure is easy so i am no more

but i'm not broken, in my dream i win
and i take over, 'cause i'm no loser
and i'm in and you're not, bad dreams don't stop
but i'm all screwed up, a cosmic castaway
a cosmic castaway, a cosmic castaway

and i want but have not
bad dreams, lust thoughts
in here with no pain, you hurt me again
and i want but have none
i should beat the alien
but here i'm no one, a cosmic castaway
a cosmic castaway, a cosmic castaway
a cosmic castaway


Cosmic castaway

Ver más info

Artista: Electrasy
Canción: Cosmic castaway
Duración: 03:30
Vistas: 54.615
Álbum: Titan
Etiquetas: amazing, soundtrack, britpop, rock, titan ae

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