Cortney davis Letra

Nathan Jones

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cortney davis" de Nathan Jones.

Cortney davis lyrics

He loves her more then she'll ever know,
but he lost her becuz he made it all a show.
prays everynight she will come back to him,
he knows now to love her threw thick and thin.
all he needs is one more dance to tell
i love you baby, you have to come home,
without you i'm dying, throw me a bone.
i swear from now on its just me and you,
forever is how long i will stay true.
one more time to prove my love,
one more shot to love an angel from above?
He knows the chances are slim,
[ De: ]
he knows he doesnt deserve them.
knows that all he wants is her though,
and in his book thats all that count
he says to
Tonight he sits at home and thinks of her,
she found new love he's pretty sure.
he sits and drinks, the tears roll down,
he knows he must stop before he drowns.
but on and on he weaps threw the night,
her picture is his only sight.
he knows that he was a dollar short and a day late,
if only he would have said these words a little earlier,
could have changed his
chorus x3
Nathan Jones

Nathan Jones

Cortney davis

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Artista: Nathan Jones
Canción: Cortney davis
Vistas: 96

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