Cop king Letra

Hollywood Superstars

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cop king" de Hollywood Superstars.

Cop king lyrics

Who watches over you while you sleep?
it's me - the civil servant.
i keep you safe at night - safe from the murderers, rapists and perverts.
i walk around on the streets you're used to walking on all day long,
and at night when they come around - motherfucker i'm around - and they ain't around for too long.
when i get called on a 1-8-7 - i'm the first to arrive on the scene,
i break his to the ground motherfucker, hey i get pretty fucking mean.
and you ask me how i live my life - on this measley police salary?
i'm in it for the perks - the bribes - the police brutality.
(chorus 1)
i'm a cop i'm a king i'm a motherfucker with a gun i'll take you down - i'll break you down - you better run - you better run
i'm a cop - i'm a king - i'm gonna make your momma cry i'll make that bitch kneel down in church and scream "why jesus why"
i'm a cop.
[ De: ]
I joined the academy at 18 - gonna retire at 38.
got a house on staten island - motherfucker- i already paid for it, it's fucking great.
i think about life and i think about death everyday -
some shit you never worry about -
because all those fucking taxes you pay.
i like to grab em by the neck - take em to hell - take em down under,
i like to fuck his ass - fuck his mouth - fuck his ass with a plunger
believe me, motherfucker. i'll kick you in the jaw,
i'll show you things - show you things - you never saw - you never saw
(chorus 2)
cuz i'm a cop - i'm a king i'm a motherfucking giant i'll make you tell me everything you know, then i'll tell you that you're fucking lying
i'm a cop. i'm a king. gonna make your momma cry. i'll make that bitch kneel down in church and scream "why jesus why?"
(repeat chours 1)
Fuck your daddy
fuck your family
fuck your welfare
fuck your self
I'm a cop
Hollywood Superstars
Ver más info

Artista: Hollywood Superstars
Canción: Cop king
Duración: 03:25
Vistas: 416
Álbum: Let it shine

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