Cool from the wire Letra

Dirty Looks

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cool from the wire" de Dirty Looks.

Cool from the wire lyrics

Paint your lips, fingertips
yeah, baby spray your hair
that's what you like to do
make it to the show
all your friends gonna be there, oh yeah
The band's really grand
come and hear them play (shoo be do wah, a-shoo be do be do wah)
have a drink, what'cha think
this could be your luck day, yeah hey hey
Cool, cool from the wire
cool, cool from the wire turns you on
from the wire
cool, cool from the wire turns you on
Diamond rings and things
that you touch are for real
money, money, money (oh, money, money, money)
love those guitar pickers
[ De: ]
sweet to your lovely feel
oh sticky fingers
hey, you turn on to a song
all your life is a holiday, yeah hey hey
Cool, cool from the wire
cool, cool from the wire turns you on
from the wire
cool, cool from the wire turns you on
I know the wire baby faster faster
let yourself go, wooh
you know the boys in the band are
all backstage after the oh
from the wire
lovely wire
makes you cool
cool, cool from the wire (you're so cool)
cool, cool from the wire turns you on
from the wire (way too cool)
cool, cool from the wire turns you on
Dirty Looks

Dirty Looks

Cool from the wire

Ver más info

Artista: Dirty Looks
Canción: Cool from the wire
Duración: 03:34
Vistas: 2.561
Álbum: Cool from the wire

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