Control Letra

Beborn Beton

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Control" de Beborn Beton.

Control lyrics

I fell in love with the girl of my friend,
i really do love her deep from the soul
it's a suffering, that i witness here inside
whenever i catch sight of her
I'm losing control
i'm losing control
I fell in love with the girl of my friend
every time we meet i feel, slightly cold
[ De: ]
she's spreading her legs and her beauty unfolds
her finger is scratching her back
I'm losing control
I'm still in love with the girl of my friend
taking pictures while she's fucking like a devil
and grabbing my dick as the lenses explode
the scenery over-exposed
I'm losing control
Beborn Beton

Beborn Beton


Ver más info

Artista: Beborn Beton
Canción: Control
Duración: 03:36
Vistas: 3.859
Álbum: Concrete ground
Etiquetas: electro-industrial, synthpop

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