Consumed by laziness Letra

Hot Rod Circuit

El tema "Consumed by laziness" interpretado por Hot Rod Circuit pertenece a su disco "Sorry about tomorrow". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Consumed by laziness" de Hot Rod Circuit.

Consumed by laziness lyrics

I let you slip through my fingers
i don't even know if i can remember
how i got here in the first place
my mind wanders off it's somewhere
out in space
laziness it consumes you
there's nothing you can say
there's nothing you can do
Bright eyes
holding you close but you seem so far
why should i try?
i know that it'll never get that far
i know that it'll never get that far
Simply put i'm letting go
i've got my money on the wrong hand this time
coast to coast been avoiding all your phone calls
trying to figure out how i fucked it up this time
without a penny in my pocket
[ De: ]
there's nothing i can say
there's nothing i can do
Bright eyes
holding you close but you seem so far
why should i try?
i know that it'll never get that far
Hey, bright eyes
holding you close but you seem so far
why should i try?
know that it'll never get that far
My mother told me
button up your shirt, it looks nice like that
that's just not me
that's me in gasoline
i'm not going out like that tonight
Bright eyes
holding you close but you seem so far
why should i try?
know it'll never get far
Hey, bright eyes
holding you close but you seem so far
why should i try?
know it'll never get far
Hot Rod Circuit

Hot Rod Circuit

Consumed by laziness

Ver más info

Artista: Hot Rod Circuit
Canción: Consumed by laziness
Duración: 03:18
Vistas: 32.707
Álbum: Sorry about tomorrow
Etiquetas: seen live, indie, cool

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