Constantly Letra

Cross Canadian Ragweed

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Constantly" de Cross Canadian Ragweed.

Constantly lyrics

She's got that certain thing about sometimes it drives me to my knees sometimes it makes it hard to love her but i always come around and see hey lady i'm nothing without you hey baby you're nothing without me we got a constantly
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One look from her eyes gets me thinking what the hell could i have done this time but its love that i mistake for anger the woman drives me out of my mind hey lady i'm nothing without you hey baby you're nothing without me we got a constantly
I cant wrap my mind around leaving well if she did shed surely find me gone times the heartache upon piles of grieving not a chance in hell i could carry on yeah hey lady i'm nothing without you hey baby you're nothing without me we got a constantly
She's got that certain thing about her
Cross Canadian Ragweed
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Artista: Cross Canadian Ragweed
Canción: Constantly
Duración: 04:17
Vistas: 28.292
Álbum: Cross canadian ragweed
Etiquetas: texas country, red dirt, country, ccr, alt-country

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