Confusion Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Confusion" de Zutons.

Confusion lyrics

It's funny how it tears me apart
first it breaks your head then your heart
i should've loved you better
from the start
it's chewin' at my bones and my brains
it's workin' through the flesh that remains
why can't this feelin' leave me
and just fade away?
From day one i led you on
i'm sorry girl, but i can't stay
things have changed, they're not the same
now i must walk the other way
Confusion raining down from up high
[ De: ]
and all the time you ask yourself 'why?'
why can't you make decisions
can't make up your mind
Although you're trying hard to forget
the reason why you feel so misled
now come on and forgive me
i'll help you accept
From day one i led you on
i'm sorry girl, but i can't stay
things have changed, they're not the same
now i must walk the other way
From day one i led you on
i'm sorry girl, but i can't stay
things have changed, they're not the same
now i must walk the other home



Ver más info

Artista: Zutons
Canción: Confusion
Vistas: 2.988

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