Concealed memories Letra

Simone Ferrari

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Concealed memories" de Simone Ferrari.

Concealed memories lyrics

I am in search of concealed memories
the little things you lock in a secret place
the first man who broke your heart in two
i’ll mend if i can
I am in search of concealed memories
that maybe, fragile girl, you will share with me
the first man who said “put away your toys”
i have them right here
There is no need to cry to have me touching your eyes
there is no need to fall to go up again
there is no need to struggle to deserve some rest
[ De: ]
when everyone forget tell me a memory
I am in search of concealed memories
the thoughts which are most hidden in your sweet soul
i’ll try to do a collection of comet tails
do shine at your best
So tell me if you’re really willing to try
to lend me every sensation you have to feel
i am in search of concealed memories
could you give me yours?
There is no need to cry to have me touching your eyes
there is no need to fall to go up again
there is no need to struggle to deserve some rest
when everyone forget tell me a memory
Simone Ferrari

Simone Ferrari

Concealed memories

Ver más info

Artista: Simone Ferrari
Canción: Concealed memories
Vistas: 49

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