Compromise Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Compromise" de Acceptance.

Compromise lyrics

[ De: ]
Why don't you come to me? why don't you realize? my heart is break up. where are you coming from? why did you compromise? i don't believe in that. i could just let you fall, i could just let you drown. why would you want to pull away? why wou;d you want to lose that joy? you know how your life has been before. you know that emptiness won't cease. i can't just let you fall, i can't just watch you drown. and i know you will see what he has planned. i know you will see what you have done. it's hard to see the path to take, but you know the truth.



Ver más info

Artista: Acceptance
Canción: Compromise
Vistas: 21.593
Etiquetas: ok, emo

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