Compensate Letra

Space Like Alice

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Compensate" de Space Like Alice.

Compensate lyrics

Did you ever wonder what's inside
concrete weather, looking at my room in the sky
looking at my room in the sky
Ooh, you saw me high
i don't want to fall back
ooh, you're just trying to compensate
ooh, you're just trying to compensate
Did you ever think about my fall into nothing
looking at your home on the ground
looking at your home on the ground
Ooh, you saw me high
i don't want to fall back
[ De: ]
ooh, you're just trying to compensate
ooh, you're just trying to compensate
In your eyes
well you ride, well you ride
when you're high, when you're high

Did you ever wonder what's inside
of the same man you couldn't look in the eye
you couldn't look in the eye
Ooh, you saw me high
i don't want to fall back
ooh, you're just trying to compensate
ooh, you're just trying to compensate
ooh, you're just trying to compensate
Space Like Alice

Space Like Alice


Ver más info

Artista: Space Like Alice
Canción: Compensate
Duración: 03:57
Vistas: 641
Álbum: Compensate

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