Company Letra

Dianne Reeves

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Company" de Dianne Reeves.

Company lyrics

I'll remember you too clearly,
but i'll survive another day.
conversations to share when there's no one there.
i'll imagine what you'd say.
i'll see you in another life now, baby.
i free you in my dreams,
but when i reach out across the galaxies,
i will miss your company.
Company, i'll be looking for company.
looking at this through the years.
someday you will hear me, still crying, i'll be crying,
crying for company.
i'll be crying for company.
So now you're going off
[ De: ]
to live your life.
you say we'll see each other now and then;
but we'll never, never, never be the same.
and i know, i know, i'll have never have a chance again, (no not like you)
i'll see you in another life now baby.
i free you in my dreams,
but when i reach out across the galaxies,
i'll miss your company.
Company, i'll be looking for company.
looking at this through the years.
someday you will hear me, still crying, i'm still crying
crying, crying for company.
i'm still crying for company.
Company, i'm looking for company.
Dianne Reeves

Dianne Reeves


Ver más info

Artista: Dianne Reeves
Canción: Company
Duración: 05:25
Vistas: 1.328
Álbum: Never too far
Etiquetas: downtempo, tantotempotaste, slow, great, jazz

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