Come to this Letra

The Sleepy Jackson

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Come to this" de The Sleepy Jackson.

Come to this lyrics

Keep your mouth green
let the lord list we put to scilence
lord i dont know
how did it come to this
Keep your mind green
let the lord list we put to scilence
lord i dont know
how did it come to this
Girl its a long time when your runnin x2
Keep your mind green
[ De: ]
let the lord list we put to scilence
lord i dont know
how would it come to this
i dont know i didnt try with you
now the moon is bleedin dry
the sun is weepy eyed
how did it come to this
Girl its a long time when your runnin x2
girl its a long time without lovin
girl its a long time when your runnin
(repeat twice)
The Sleepy Jackson

The Sleepy Jackson

Come to this

Ver más info

Artista: The Sleepy Jackson
Canción: Come to this
Duración: 03:29
Vistas: 47.638
Álbum: Lovers
Etiquetas: pop, rock, indie, australian, acoustic

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