Come to me Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Come to me" de Ateed.

Come to me lyrics

You're standing out in the rain
trying to find the one to blame
control and hope have been gone
to free your mind is a thing you should know
Oh, gotta let go
oh, you gotta let it go
Come to me, come to me
give you all that you need
what you want
what you feel
what you get
what is real
I know it's hard to be real
sometimes when no one cares what you feel
but there's a thing you should know
follow your instinct and you will grow
[ De: ]
Oh, gotta let go
oh, you gotta let it go
Come to me, come to me
give you all that you need
what you want
what you feel
what you get
what is real
Come on, come on, come on, come to me, yeah.
come on, come over here.
I know it's hard to be real
sometimes when no-one cares what you feel
Oh, gotta let go
oh, you gotta let it go
Come to me, come to me
give you all that you need
what you want
what you feel
what you get
what is real


Come to me

Ver más info

Artista: Ateed
Canción: Come to me
Duración: 03:17
Vistas: 5.323
Álbum: Coming soon
Etiquetas: alternative, rock

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