Come, now is the time to worship Letra

Phillips, Craig And Dean

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Come, now is the time to worship" de Phillips, Craig And Dean.

Come, now is the time to worship lyrics

Come, now is the time to worship
come, now is the time to give your heart
come, just as you are to worship
come, just as you are before your god
[ De: ]
One day every tongue will confess your are god
one day every knee will bow
still the greatest treasure remains for those
who gladly choose you know
Phillips, Craig And Dean

Phillips, Craig And Dean

Come, now is the time to worship

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Artista: Phillips, Craig And Dean
Canción: Come, now is the time to worship
Duración: 03:58
Vistas: 1.814
Etiquetas: contemporary christian, worship, christian

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