Come into my dreams Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Come into my dreams" de Foggy.

Come into my dreams lyrics

Come into my dreams
let me show you where i've been
it's you and me i've seen
let me tell you what i
Come into my dreams
let me show you where i've been
it's you and me i've seen
let me tell you what i mean
in the deep blue sky
there were rainbows in the night
you and me could fly
and the ocean shined so bright
[ De: ]
Come into my dreams
let me show you where i've been
it's you and me i've seen
let me tell you what i mean
Come into my dreams
let me show you where i've been
it's you and me i've seen
let me tell you what i mean
in the deep blue sky
there were rainbows in the night
you and me could fly
and the ocean shined so bright


Come into my dreams

Ver más info

Artista: Foggy
Canción: Come into my dreams
Vistas: 12.683
Etiquetas: dance, techno, vocal trance, female vocal, trance

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