Come back Letra

Jessica Garlick

La letra de la canción "Come back" interpretada por Jessica Garlick fue publicada el 24 de junio de 2009 con su vídeo musical.

Come back lyrics

Verse 1:
we both made the same mistakes
and belive me, i know where
i've come to depend on you
in my eyes, can ya see?
that someone's still hurtin' me
what can i say?
that will make up
from lettin' you down
i just want you to know
so, come back (come back)
if ya love me
how will i survive without you?
baby come back (come back)
if ya need me
maybe i was wrong
and i tried to pretend but,
always in my heart
i know that i want you
come back
Verse 2:
tomorrows another day
still i, can't believe,
that i told you
[ De: ]
and that was my big mistake
every hour, every day
what can i do to make it through?
oh, the days seem so long
i miss ya so bad
and its breakin' my heart
so, come back (come back)
if ya love me (how will i survive?)
how will i survive without you?
baby come back (come back)
if ya need me (how will i survive?)
how will i survive without you?
baby come back (come back)
if you need me (maybe i was wrong)
maybe i was wrong (tryin' to pretend)
and i tried to pretend but,(always in my heart)
always in my heart
i know that i want you
come back (come back)
before you break my heart (oh come back)
Jessica Garlick

Jessica Garlick

Come back

Junio, 2009
6.839 vistas

Ver más info

Artista: Jessica Garlick
Canción: Come back
Duración: 02:55
Estreno: Junio, 2009
Vistas: 6.839
Álbum: Come back
Etiquetas: eurovision song contest, eurovision, esc, female vocalist, eurovision 2002

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