Colour me in Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Colour me in" de Broadcast.

Colour me in lyrics

I am grey, still on the page
oh colour me in
just an outline, sketchy but fine
oh colour me in
If green is chasing the hills over miles
if blue is pursuing the sky
see if the red of your heart doesn't mind
where you begin to colour me in
Something new and nothing to do
then i'm just the idea
[ De: ]
i must be real, 'cause somehow i feel
that i'm just the idea
Let's share the blue of the towering sky
the green of the hills that roll by
leave the red of your heart to decide
if you cannot choose which colour to use
I'll always wait, it's never too late
to colour me in
to colour me in
today or next year, i'll always be here
if you want to colour me in


Colour me in

Ver más info

Artista: Broadcast
Canción: Colour me in
Duración: 02:50
Vistas: 108.065
Álbum: Haha sound
Etiquetas: 00s, indie pop, indie, electronica, electronic

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