Collide Letra

Fabulous Disaster

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Collide" de Fabulous Disaster.

Collide lyrics

I hope i never feel this way again
i never wanted to say hello to you
i was so happy just being by myself
i see you, we collide, i see you we collide
I wake up, don't want to, you're not here
you're not around
i wake up, don't want to, you're not here
want to collide
Walking down the street alone
just the other day
[ De: ]
i felt you near but your're so far away
i had a feeling coming over me
i realize that i'm alone
i realize that i'm alone
I wake up, don't want to, you're not here
you're not around
i wake up, don't want to, you're not here
want to collide
i wake up, don't want to, you;re not here
you're not around, you're not
Fabulous Disaster
Ver más info

Artista: Fabulous Disaster
Canción: Collide
Duración: 02:15
Vistas: 3.762
Álbum: Panty raid

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