Collective suicide Letra

Terminal Choice

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Collective suicide" de Terminal Choice.

Collective suicide lyrics

There's no place in this fucking world
no place for fragile and like mine
i can't hide my insecurity
when madness comes around
I will wake you up at night
we'll have a collective suicide
i can take you to the moon
salvation will comes soon
Entire night is not afraid to guide
as long as it will be you and i
i will wake you up at night
[ De: ]
we'll have a collective suicide
You always tried to cross me
in the wrong direction
tell me how can you be sure
as long as i feel insecure
I will wake you up at night
we'll have a collective suicide
i can take you to the moon
salvation will come soon
Entire not afraid to die
as long as it will be you and i
i will wake you up at night
we'll have a collective suicide
Terminal Choice

Terminal Choice

Collective suicide

Ver más info

Artista: Terminal Choice
Canción: Collective suicide
Duración: 05:25
Vistas: 15.253
Álbum: Buried a-live
Etiquetas: darkwave, electronic, dark electro, industrial, ebm

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