Cold day in hell Letra

Larry Carlton

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cold day in hell" de Larry Carlton.

Cold day in hell lyrics

How many times
you looked in my eyes
with a smiling face
telling me those dirty low-down lies
Saying baby baby
you got to realize
it’ll be cold day in hell
if i ever leave you
You spend all your time
covering your tracks
i’d sleep in the front room
you’d sneak in the back
Then you’d lay down beside me
and whisper a lie
it’ll be a cold day in hell
if i every leave you
It’ll be a cold day in hell
it’ll be cold day in hell
[ De: ]
if i ever say goodbye
It’ll be a cold day in hell
It’ll be a cold day in hell
If i ever say goodbye
How long did you think
you’d do this to me
did you think i was blind
lord did you think i couldn’t see
Now i’m standing in the door way
with all your bags packed
it’s a cold day in hell
you’re gonna leave
Yes it’s a cold day in hell
So cold
so cold
so cold
(music to end)
So cold
so uh oh cold
Larry Carlton

Larry Carlton

Cold day in hell

Ver más info

Artista: Larry Carlton
Canción: Cold day in hell
Duración: 06:04
Vistas: 1.708
Álbum: Renegade gentleman
Etiquetas: larry carlton, blues blues blues, blues, most loved, lovesongs

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