Cold cold heart Letra

Hank Williams

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Cold cold heart" de Hank Williams.

Cold cold heart lyrics

I tried so hard my dear to show that you're my every dream.
yet you're afraid each thing i do is just some evil scheme
a memory from your lonesome past keeps us so far apart
why can't you free your doubtful mind, and melt your cold cold heart
Another love before my time made your heart sad and blue
and so my heart is paying now for things i didn't do
in anger unkind words are said that make the teardrops start
[ De: ]
why can't you free your doubtful mind, and melt your cold cold heart
You'll never know how much it hurts to see you sit and cry
you know you need and want my love yet you're afraid to try
why do you run and hide from lies, to try it just ain't smart
why can't i free your doubtful mind, and melt your cold cold heart
There was a time when i believed that you belonged to me
but now i know your heart is shackled to a memory
the more i learn to care for you, the more we drift apart
why can't i free your doubtful mind, and melt your cold cold heart?
Hank Williams

Hank Williams

Cold cold heart

Ver más info

Artista: Hank Williams
Canción: Cold cold heart
Duración: 02:47
Vistas: 30.796
Álbum: 40 Greatest Hits (disc 1)
Etiquetas: honky tonk, country, classic country, cold cold heart, hank williams

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