Born to win [evan bourne] Letra

Wwe Themes

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Born to win [evan bourne]" de Wwe Themes.

Born to win [evan bourne] lyrics


Some are born to fight
Some are born to sin
I was born to light the fire
All that you fear
Some are born to fight
I was born, I was born to win

I see the time is ticking
I see the world is spinning
I see such to be demise

I see the fear in your eyes
I see the bead of sweat there
I see your empty lies too late to say a prayer

I move as fast as the speed of light
I'll take you into the darkest night
Make you believe what you don't want to see
For the rest of your life you will answer to me

Some are born to fight
Some are born to sin
I was born to light the fire
All that you fear
Some are born to fight
[ De: ]
I was born, I was born to win

I came into this life alone
Tomorrow is the only day I know

I find my future there
I see a star for air
I'm more than you can bear
And hell is coming down

I move as fast as the speed of light
I'll take you into the darkest night
Make you believe what you don't want to see
For the rest of your life you will answer to me

Some are born to fight
Some are born to sin
I was born to light the fire
All that you fear
Some are born to fight
I was born, I was born to win

Some are born to fight
Some Are born to sin
I was born to light the fire
All that you fear
Some are born to fight
I was born, I was born to win
Wwe Themes

Wwe Themes

Born to win [evan bourne]

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Artista: Wwe Themes
Canción: Born to win [evan bourne]
Vistas: 102

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