Blunt force trauma Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Blunt force trauma" de Damageplan.

Blunt force trauma lyrics

I never saw whatever it was
that came and hit me from behind
then i awoke enraged and confused
how could i have been so blind
Life's escaping, don't pretend
judgement comes, but who knows when
So when you least expect
that's when it takes effect
a tragic twist to alter fate
instinct is to deny
logic does not apply
in time we learn, but it's too late
Blunt force trauma to the head
Blazing through life at the speed of sound
don't stop to look at the signs
suddenly everything crashes around you
[ De: ]
when we forget, life reminds
Clock is running, falling sand
time is slipping through your hands
So when you least expect
that's when it takes effect
a tragic twist to alter fate
instinct is to deny
logic does not apply
in time we learn, but it's too late
Blunt force trauma to the head
it's too late
Blunt force trauma
So when you least expect
that's when it takes effect
a tragic twist to alter fate
instinct is to deny
logic does not apply
in time we learn, but it's too late
Blunt force trauma to the head


Blunt force trauma

Ver más info

Artista: Damageplan
Canción: Blunt force trauma
Duración: 04:57
Vistas: 103.970
Álbum: Ultimate beatdowns, volume 1
Etiquetas: thrash metal, damageplan, metal, heavy metal, groove metal

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