Blow the house down Letra

Living In A Box

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Blow the house down" de Living In A Box.

Blow the house down lyrics

All alone in the crowd
Tryin' not to think out loud
Whispers shout, whispers scream
Together we can make it a dream
Mountains high, mountains low
Without a bridge you mind how you go

And what you need is what i want
So don't be afraid, let it show
Don't be afraid, just let it explode

We have got the power to build the highest tower
Standing with our feet on the ground
[ De: ]
We've got what it takes, together we can make it
Together we can blow the house down
Blow the house blow the house

Silent words in your eyes, hiding in a lover's disguise
And as my heart steals your mind
Together we'll be partners in crime
Deserts dry, don't you know
Without the water, no river flows

(repeat chorus)

Mountains high, mountains low
Without a bridge you mind how to go
Living In A Box

Living In A Box

Blow the house down

Ver más info

Artista: Living In A Box
Canción: Blow the house down
Duración: 04:19
Vistas: 19.749
Álbum: The very best of living in a box
Etiquetas: blow the house down, 80s, pop, british, 80s pop

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