Believe me- Letra

Yulia Savicheva

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Believe me-" de Yulia Savicheva.

Believe me- lyrics

Believe me, I just don't care
If you look away or stare,
If you choose to go or stay;
Don't believe me, I pray

In my head; every day, everywhere; oh, no
You and I can talk, and I sound colder.
In my heart, though I say I don't care,
I just cry and cry on your big shoulder.

Believe me, I just don't care
If you look away or stare,
If you choose to go or stay;
Don't believe me, I pray

Believe me, I just don't care
If you look away or stare,
[ De: ]
If you choose to go or stay;
Don't believe me, I pray

Far away, like the man in the moon, (my dear)
You just wave to me, you are always lying.
Every face, every voice, every tune
Brings you back to me, and I start crying

Believe me, I just don't care
If you look away or stare,
If you choose to go or stay;
Don't believe me, I pray

Believe me, I just don't care
If you look away or stare,
If you choose to go or stay;
Don't believe me, I pray

Believe me, I just don't
Yulia Savicheva

Yulia Savicheva

Believe me-

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Artista: Yulia Savicheva
Canción: Believe me-
Vistas: 97

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